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FINAL NOTICE (Pre-AAG 2001 Conference)

GIS and Critical Geographic Research (A One Day Conference)
Sponsored by Departments of Geography at the University of Kentucky, the
Ohio State University, and Hunter College - CUNY.
February 25, 2001 (Sunday preceding the AAG Meeting 2001)
Department of Geography,
Room 1022 Hunter North
Hunter College
The City  University of New York
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021

***Please notify the conference organizers by email (see below) if you plan
to attend this conference***
The first GIS and Critical Geographic Research conference will take place at
the Department of Geography, Hunter College - CUNY, on February 25, 2001.
The conference will take place in Room 1022 (Hunter North building, 10th

***Keynote speaker:  Eric Sheppard, University of Minnesota

The conference website is http://www.uky.edu/AS/geography/gis-cgr.htm.
Presentation schedule and other information can be found at this site.The
abstracts of the papers presented are located at:

***Directions and Location***
Hunter  College is at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and East 68th
Street, in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The conference will take place
in Room 1022 (Hunter North building, 10th floor, Department of Geography).
We recommend taking green #6 subway train to the "68th St/Hunter College"
station. The nearest stop on the B and Q lines is Lexington Avenue at 63th
street. Travel directions for the conference participants (including maps of
the area and Hunter College campus) from the New York Hilton and other
locations are at
We will post the update on the subway service on this page (due to subway
renovation there may be changes in train schedule). Please check out this
page before you leave. If you have more questions, please ask Marianna
Pavlovskaya ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Registration is free or $5 for pizza lunch. Please register, pick up your
name tag, sign up for a pizza lunch, and let us know if you'll join us for
dinner. Registration is at 8am.

***Breaks, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner***
 At 8 AM we will offer a breakfast (bagels and coffee/tea/water) at the
Department of Geography, Hunter College. Lunch (pizza, coffee/tea,
soda/water) will be from 12:00-1:30. Pizza will be served for all who
registered and paid $5. When you sign-up please indicate your pizza
preferences. We will have a morning and afternoon coffee break. After the
conference, there will be a dinner at the local restaurant. All conference
attendees are invited. Please let us know in advance if you plan to join us.

***Conference schedule overview***
8:00-8:30am   Registration and Breakfast
8:30-8:40       Welcome
8:40-9:20       Keynote address
9:20-10:20      Paper presentations
10:20-10:40     Coffee break
10:40-12:00     Paper presentations
12:00-1:30      Pizza lunch served at the Department of Geography, $5.00
1:30-3:10       Paper presentations
3:10-3:30       Coffee break
3:30-5:40       Paper presentations
6:30 - 8:30     Dinner at the local restaurant (please notify us if you
would like to join)

The conference website is located at:

See you in New York!

***Please notify the conference organizers by email (see below) if you plan
to attend this conference***

Conference organizers
Francis Harvey              Mei-Po Kwan             Marianna Pavlovskaya
University of Kentucky   Ohio State University  Hunter College - CUNY
859-257-9682 (office)     614-292-9465 (office)   212-772-5320 (office)
859-323-1969 (fax)         614-292-6213 (fax)      212-772-5268 (fax)

Marianna Pavlovskaya
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
Hunter College - CUNY
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 772-5320
Fax:      (212) 772-5268
Geography Department: (212) 772-5266

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