Dear All,
I have just attempted digitizing a whole lot of contours as arcs in cartalinx. The contour values have been given as the numeric user id for each contour. When I export the coverage to Idrisi32 as arcs,  the contour lines apparently take up the ArcId as their value (which is a value given to each arc as it is digitized in cartalinx and which cannot be altered).
As anyone done digitizing of contours in Cartalinx or will I have to resort to digitizing contours in IDRISI (where the vector Arc can be given any value at the time of digitizing)
Please help else' I face the ordeal of redigitising a whole lot of contours in Idrisi :-(
Thanks in advance.
Hrishikesh Samant
Department of Geology,
St. Xavier's College,
Mumbai 400 001,

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