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I just rejoined the list after a bit of absence and noticed the questions
about MODIS to IDRISI. I have managed to get Gridded MODIS Level 3 data into
IDRISI32 (using the USGS' Modis Reprojection Tool GUI running under JAVASOFT
JAVA v.1.3) through GEOTIFF output, but neither IDRISI32 nor ArcView reads
the coordinates correctly in MRT's Geotiff  flavor at this time (though
ERDAS Imagine v.8.4 does). However, there is a workaround. You can output
the GEOTIFF using MRT and then either because you've done a Metadata screen
capture within that program or read the resample.log file or written a
paramter file, you have the appropriate corner coordinates to create a
documentation file to access those data correctly. For MRT see
http://edc.usgs.gov/programs/sddm/modisdist/index.shtml. Don't bother to try
MRT with MODIS Level 1 or 2 data because it doesn't work. However, the
http://heineken.gsfc.nasa.gov/eosgis/eghome.html does translate gridded
Level 1, 2, and 3 data to Geotiff or ArcInfo ASCII Grid files from a
commandline interface with its 'translate.exe' program. Both the ASCII GRID
and Geotiff flavor created by translate.exe is supported by IDRISI32, but
the coordinates put out by that program are mapped to Integerized Sinusoidal
(ISIN). Now, if someone would write an easy to use ISIN2GEO program to
transform ISIN to Latlong, it would be just dandy! But alas I'm not a C
programmer and the ISIN GSTP code is in C. Any takers?

Peter Schlesinger

Peter Schlesinger
GIS & Remote Sensing Laboratory
Woods Hole Research Center
PO Box 296
Woods Hole, MA 02543
(508)540-9900, ext 118
(508)540-9700, fax
WWW: www.whrc.org

--- End of Idrisi List message

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