Hi Tobias,
 I finally managed using the MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT)
It is available in Version 2.0 on the MRT Distribution Page and you can download it for free:
You need to register first.
You can choose from different output projections and formats. By selecting GeoTIFF as output file format, you can import it easily  in Idrisi using TIFIDRIS (I use Idrisi32). While importing you will have to introduce the parameters (min/max x and y) that  can be found in the Resample.log file (an ASCII text file) created by the tool after each run.
Read carefully the user's manual!
Hope this helps.

At 04:51 PM 7/18/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Hi Anita,

I just found your message in the net and as i am working on the same
problem right now I would be interested if and how you suceeded to bring
the MODIS data in IDRISI.

thanks in advance


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