--- Start of Idrisi List message
Dear List(s),

I am trying to undertake a preliminary data audit as one of the first stages 
in integrating many different data sources for our Community GIS system 
which will inform the local community of community safety issues.  Has 
anyone undertaken this sort of thing, and might know any efficient 
'electronic' ways of collation and automation.  In addition, does any one 
have any example forms they have used, which contain enough metadata but 
also include some sort of data quality rating?

>From this initial audit, we will assess the time needed for our different 
information providers to format their data using mainstream standards and 
make their data GIS usable for the future.

Many thanks in advance, I will SUM

Helen Cook
GIS Crime Analyst
Tel: +44 20 8313 4395
Fax: +44 20 8290 0608

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--- End of Idrisi List message

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