The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'Calling Line Identification for Voice Mail Messages '
   <draft-ema-vpim-clid-09.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This document has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product 
of an IETF Working Group. 

The IESG contact person is Scott Hollenbeck.

Technical Summary
This document describes a method for identifying the originating 
calling party in the headers of a stored voice mail message. Two new
header fields are defined for this purpose: Caller ID and Called Name.
Caller ID is used to store sufficient information for the recipient to 
callback, or reply to, the sender of the message. Called-name provides
the name of the person sending the message.
Working Group Summary
This document was originally produced by the Electronic Mail 
Association (EMA). It was reviewed by the VPIM working group but is not 
a product of that group.
Protocol Quality
Ned Freed reviewed the specification for the IESG.

RFC Editor note

Please add this sentence to the end of paragraph two in Section 3.2 (after 
"Though it is desirable that an international number not be truncated to 10 
digits if it contains more, it is recognized that this will happen due to 
limitations of various systems."):

"Implementors of this specification should be aware that some phone systems 
are known to truncate international numbers, even though it is recognized 
that this is undesirable behavior."

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