The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'Internet Printing Protocol(IPP): Job and Printer Administrative Operations '
   <draft-ietf-ipp-ops-set2-04.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Internet Printing Protocol Working Group. 

The IESG contact persons are Scott Hollenbeck and Ted Hardie.

Technical Summary

This document defines additional optional end user, operator, and
administrator operations used to control Internet Printing Protocol
Jobs and Printers. In addition, this document extends the semantic
model of the Printer object by allowing them to be configured into
trees and/or inverted trees that represent Printer object Fan-Out
and Printer object Fan-In, respectively. The special case of a tree
with only a single Subordinate node represents Chained Printers.

Working Group Summary

This document is a product of the IPP Working Group.  The IESG first
reviewed this document in 2002.  Though it has taken two years to
address the review comments, the working group did eventually decide
to update the document instead of letting it lapse.

Protocol Quality

Ned Freed and Scott Hollenbeck reviewed the specification for the IESG.

RFC Editor Note

Please change the second paragraph in section 16 (Security Considerations) from

"Printer operations defined in this specification (see section 3) and
Pause-Printer, Resume-Printer, and Purge-Job (defined in [RFC2911])
are intended for use by an operator and/or administrator.  Job
operations defined in this specification (see section 4) and Cancel-
Job, Hold-Job, Release-Job defined in [RFC2911]) are intended for use
by the job owner or may be an operator or administrator of the
Printer object.  These operator and administrative operations affect
the service of all users.  In appropriate use of an administrative
operation by an un-authenticated end user could affect the quality of
service for all users.  Therefore, for both inter-net and intra-net,
conformance to this specification REQUIRES that initial configuration
of IPP Printer implementations MUST require successful certificate-
based TLS [RFC2246] client authentication and successful operator and
administrator authorization (see [RFC2911] sections 5.2.7 and 8 and
[RFC2910]) for any administrative operations defined in this
document.  [RFC2910] REQUIRES the IPP Printer to support the minimum
cypher suite required for TLS/1.0.  The means for authorizing an
operator or administrator of the Printer object are outside the scope
of this specification, [RFC2911], and [RFC2910]."

to this:

"Printer operations defined in this specification (see section 3) and
Pause-Printer, Resume-Printer, and Purge-Job (defined in [RFC2911]) are
intended for use by an operator and/or administrator.  Job operations
defined in this specification (see section 4) and Cancel-Job, Hold-Job, and
Release-Job (defined in [RFC2911]) are intended for use by the job owner,
operator, or administrator of the Printer object.  These operator and
administrative operations affect service for all users.

Inappropriate use of an administrative operation by an unauthenticated end
user can affect the quality of service for all users.  Therefore, IPP
Printer implementations MUST support both successful certificate-based TLS
[RFC2246] client authentication and successful operator/administrator
authorization (see [RFC2911] sections 5.2.7 and 8 and [RFC2910]) to perform
the administrative operations defined in this document.  [RFC2910] requires
the IPP Printer to support the minimum cipher suite specified for TLS/1.0.
The means for authorizing an operator or administrator of the Printer object
are outside the scope of this specification, RFC 2910, and RFC 2911."

A normative reference to RFC 2119 must be added.

The "change history" comment at the end of the list of informative references 
should be removed.

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