A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

        RFC 4876

        Title:      A Configuration Profile Schema for 
                    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-Based 
        Author:     B. Neal-Joslin, Ed.,
                    L. Howard, M. Ansari
        Status:     Informational
        Date:       May 2007
        Mailbox:    [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Pages:      39
        Characters: 73468
        Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso:   None

        I-D Tag:    draft-joslin-config-schema-17.txt

        URL:        http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4876.txt

This document consists of two primary components, a schema for agents
that make use of the Lightweight Directory Access protocol (LDAP) and
a proposed use case of that schema, for distributed configuration of
similar directory user agents.  A set of attribute types and an
object class are proposed.  In the proposed use case, directory user
agents (DUAs) can use this schema to determine directory data
location and access parameters for specific services they support.
In addition, in the proposed use case, attribute and object class
mapping allows DUAs to reconfigure their expected (default) schema to
match that of the end user's environment.  This document is intended
to be a skeleton for future documents that describe configuration of
specific DUA services.  This memo provides information for the Internet 

INFORMATIONAL: This memo provides information for the Internet community. 
It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution
of this memo is unlimited.

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The RFC Editor Team
USC/Information Sciences Institute


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