The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'Raptor Forward Error Correction Scheme for Object Delivery '
   <draft-ietf-rmt-bb-fec-raptor-object-09.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Reliable Multicast Transport Working 

The IESG contact persons are Magnus Westerlund and Lars Eggert.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary
    This document is an optional Building Block usable to fully define
    an RMT Transport Protocol.  It fully-specifies a Forward Error
    Correction Code, called "Raptor", within the guidelines of
    draft-ietf-rmt-fec-bb-revised. It also specifies procedures and
    packet-header fields, as required by draft-ietf-rmt-fec-bb-revised.

    The combination of this document and draft-ietf-rmt-fec-bb-revised
    allows the implementation of an interoperable Forward Error 
    Correction scheme usable in the context of an RMT transport protocol
    (e.g. LCT/ALC or NORM).
    Raptor is a fountain code, i.e., as many encoding symbols
    as needed can be generated by the encoder on-the-fly from the
    source symbols of a source block of data. The decoder is able to
    recover the source block from any set of encoding symbols only
    slightly more in number than the number of source symbols.

    The Raptor code described here is a systematic code, meaning that all

    the source symbols are among the encoding symbols that can be 

Working Group Summary

    There is consensus in the WG to publish these documents.

Document Quality

    The following independent standardization bodies have adopted the
    Raptor specification in a form functionally equal to

    - 3GPP Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service - Protocols and
      Codecs (TS26.346)
    - DVB IP Datacast over DVB-H: Content Delivery Protocols (CDP) -
      (DVB Blue Book A101, ETSI TS 102 472)


   Lorenzo Vicisano is the Document Shepherd.   
   Magnus Westerlund is the Responsible Area Director.

Note to RFC Editor
Abstract, first paragraph:

   This document describes a Fully-Specified FEC scheme, corresponding
   to FEC Encoding ID 1, for the Raptor forward error correction code
   and its application to reliable delivery of data objects.

   This document describes a Fully-Specified Forward Error Correction   
  (FEC) scheme, corresponding to FEC Encoding ID 1, for the Raptor 
   forward error correction code and its application to reliable 
   delivery of data objects.

Section, third paragraph:

   Note that the value of K is not necessarily the same for each source
   block of a object and the value of T' may not necessarily be the same
   for each sub-block of a source block.

   Note that the value of K is not necessarily the same for each source
   block of an object and the value of T' may not necessarily be the 
   same for each sub-block of a source block.
   Section 9.1: Move reference [4] from the normative list to informative
   reference list in section 9.2.

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