The IESG has no problem with the publication of 'Delay-Tolerant
Networking Previous Hop Insertion Block'
<draft-irtf-dtnrg-bundle-previous-hop-block-12.txt> as an Experimental

The IESG would also like the IRSG to review the comments in
the datatracker
related to this document and determine whether or not they merit
incorporation into the document. Comments may exist in both the ballot
and the comment log.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

The process for such documents is described at

Thank you,

The IESG Secretary

Technical Summary

   This document defines an extension block for use with the DTN Bundle
   Protocol.  This Previous Hop Insertion Block (PHIB) extension block
   is designed to be inserted by a forwarding node to provide the
   endpoint identifier (EID) of an endpoint of which the forwarding node
   is a member so that this EID may be conveyed to the next-hop
   receiving node.  Knowledge of an EID of an endpoint of which a
   previous-hop node is a member may be required in some circumstances
   to support certain routing protocols (e.g., flood routing).  If this
   EID cannot be provided by the convergence layer or other means, the
   PHIB defines the mechanism whereby the EID can be provided with the
   bundle.  Each PHIB is always removed from the bundle by the receiving
   node so that its presence within the bundle is limited to exactly one
   hop.  This document defines the format and processing of this PHIB.

Working Group Summary

   This document is a product of the Delay Tolerant Networking Research
   Group and has been reviewed by that group.  No objections to its
   publication as an RFC were raised.

Document Quality

   This is a research document.


   The responsible area director is Sean Turner.
   The DTNRG chairs are Kevin Fall and Stephen Farrell.

RFC Editor Note

    Per RFC 5742 our recommendation is the following:

   1. The IESG has concluded that there is no conflict between this 
      document and IETF work.

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