The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'TCP sender clarification for Persist Condition.'
  (draft-ietf-tcpm-persist-07.txt) as an Informational RFC

This document is the product of the TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions
Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Wesley Eddy and David Harrington.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

  This document clarifies the Zero Window Probes (ZWP) described in
  Requirements for Internet Hosts [RFC1122].  In particular, it
  clarifies the actions that can be taken on connections which are
  experiencing the ZWP condition.

Working Group Summary

There was an initial issue in limiting the scope of this document as
a simple clarification.  Early on, it included additional content, and
specifically outlined a socket option, which has since been elided
from the document after a number of discussions.

In its current format, the document reflects those changes to limit
the scope of the document to just identify what has been
mis-interpreted in some past implementations and clarify that a
TCP connection in a persist state is treated the same as any other
TCP connection.

Document Quality

This is a short informational document that does not specify a
protocol. It is published to clarify the intentions of RFC 1122. 


Michael Scharf ( is the document
shepherd. He has personally reviewed this version and believes it is
ready for forwarding to the IESG for publication.  Wesley Eddy
( is the responsible area director.

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