The IESG has received a second willing nominee for the IAOC position.  Tobias 
Gondrom would like to serve the community as an IAOC member.  Please send 
comments on Tobias to

Additional nominations are welcome until 7 December 2011.

On behalf of the IESG,
   Russ Housley
   IESG Chair

On Dec 1, 2011, at 2:33 PM, IETF Chair wrote:

> The IESG has received a single nomination for the IAOC position.  Given this 
> situation, we are extending the deadline to nominations to 7 December 2011.
> In addition, we are opening the comment period on the single willing 
> candidate that we have before us: Ole Jacobsen.
> Please send new nominations and comments on Ole to
> On behalf of the IESG,
>   Russ Housley
>   IESG Chair
> On Nov 13, 2011, at 1:04 AM, IETF Chair wrote:
>> Ole Jacobsen is the IAOC member that was appointed by the IESG, and
>> his two-year term is up in March.  The IESG is starting the process
>> to fill this seat in March 2012, with the term ending in March 2014.
>> The two-week nominations period opens today, and closes on
>> 27 November 2011.
>> Nominations and eligibility
>> The IESG is making a public call for nominations.  Self-nominations
>> are permitted.  All IETF participants, including working group chairs,
>> IETF NomCom members, IAB members, and IESG members are
>> eligible for nomination.  Of course, IAB and IESG members who accept
>> nomination will recuse themselves from selection and confirmation
>> discussions.  Please send nominations to  Please include
>> the following with each nomination:
>> - Name
>> - Contact information
>> - Candidate background and qualifications
>> Desirable Qualifications and Selection Criteria
>> Candidates for the IAOC position should have a demonstrable involvement
>> in the IETF, knowledge of contracts and financial procedures, awareness
>> of the administrative support needs of the IAB, the IESG, and the IETF
>> standards process.  The candidate is also expected to understand the
>> respective roles and responsibilities of the IETF and ISOC in IASA, and
>> be able to articulate these roles within the IETF community.
>> The candidate must be able to exercise all the duties of an IAOC Board
>> member, including fiduciary responsibilities, setting of policies,
>> oversight of the administrative operations of the IETF, representing
>> the interests of the IETF, and participating in IAOC meetings and
>> activities. The candidate must be able to serve as a Trustee for the IETF
>> Trust. Although the IESG selects this member of the IAOC, the selected
>> member does not directly represent the IESG.  The IESG-selected
>> member is accountable directly to the IETF community.
>> BCP 101 says:
>> The IAOC shall consist of eight voting members who shall be selected
>> as follows:
>> o Two members appointed by the IETF Nominations Committee (NomCom);
>> o One member appointed by the IESG;
>> o One member appointed by the IAB;
>> o One member appointed by the ISOC Board of Trustees;
>> o The IETF Chair (ex officio);
>> o The IAB Chair (ex officio);
>> o The ISOC President/CEO (ex officio).
>> Selection
>> The IESG will publish the list of nominated persons prior to making a
>> decision, allowing time for the community to provide any relevant
>> comments to the IESG. The IESG will review the nomination material,
>> any comments provided by the community, and make a selection.
>> Confirmation
>> The IAB will act as the confirming body for the selection.  In the
>> event that the IAB determines not to confirm the nominated candidate,
>> the IAB will provide the IESG with the basis for this determination and
>> the IESG will nominate another candidate.
>> Care of Personal Information
>> The following procedures will be used in managing candidates' personal
>> information:
>> - The list of candidate names will be published at the close of the
>> nominations period.  A candidate that refuses the nomination will
>> not be included on the list.
>> - Excerpts of the information provided to the IESG by the nominated
>> candidate will be passed to the IAB as part of the confirmation
>> process. The IAB will be requested to maintain confidentiality of
>> candidate information.
>> - Except as noted above, all information provided to the IESG during
>> this process will be kept as confidential to the IESG.
>> Timeframe
>> The two-week nominations period opens today, and closes on
>> 27 November 2011.
>> The list of willing candidates will be posted shortly after the nominations
>> close, and the community will have two weeks to provide comments on the
>> candidates to the IESG.
>> The IESG will make a selection on an IESG telechat following the
>> comment period and send the name of the selected candidate to the IAB
>> for confirmation.
>> On behalf of the IESG,
>> Russ Housley
>> IESG Chair

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