IETF participants define the standards for the global network that connects 
more than two billion people

Paris, France - 28 March 2012 - More than 1,400 of the leading Internet 
engineers and technologists from around the world are gathering this week at 
the 83rd meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) held in Paris, 
France. Standards developed by the IETF provide the foundation for Internet 
services used around the world, such as domain names, email, the Web, and 
instant messaging.

The IETF gathers a large open community of network designers, engineers, 
operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the 
Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. Technologies 
previously defined by the IETF, such as IPv6 and DNSSEC, are now at the 
forefront of efforts to ensure the Internet's continued growth as a trusted 
platform of communications and innovation for billions of people around the 
world. Current challenges being addressed by the IETF include the increasing 
importance of mobile Internet access and privacy.

Cisco is the host sponsor of the IETF 83 meeting.

"As the IETF nears its 30th year, over two billion people now use the Internet 
enabled by the standards developed by the IETF and fostered by a largely 
self-regulatory multi-stakeholder Internet governance ecosystem," said Robert 
Pepper, vice president, global technology policy, Cisco. "The Internet has 
grown up and is now essential to the 21st century global economy and a key 
driver of social development. The technical community, led by the IETF, has a 
responsibility and critical role to play ensuring the future and freedom of the 
Internet. Cisco is committed to the IETF as the forum where Internet standards 
are developed and core Internet principles are protected and fostered, and we 
are proud to host IETF 83."

Since its first meeting was held January 16, 1986 in San Diego, California, the 
IETF has published more than 4500 Request for Comment documents (RFCs) that 
describe standards for the fundamental technologies and widely used services on 
today's global Internet. Because RFCs are freely available, students, software 
and hardware developers, and organizations and companies anywhere in the world 
can learn, innovate, and build services and products based on the work of the 

"The IETF is unique, with all interested parties invited to participate in the 
creation of voluntary technical standards using open and transparent 
processes," said Russ Housley, chair of the IETF. "Even if someone cannot 
attend face-to-face meetings, they can participate through electronic mail or 
other electronic means. All IETF documents, whether working drafts or full 
standards, are freely available online to everyone. The end result is timely 
and market-relevant open standards for the global Internet, maximizing both 
interoperability and scalability."

"Virtually everything we do online today is enabled by work done or a standard 
developed in the IETF," noted Lynn St. Amour, president and CEO of the Internet 
Society (ISOC). "The IETF is a leading example of a global, open and 
collaborative organization. Organizations that share this operating model are 
at the very heart of the Internet's amazing success. These characteristics are 
'game changers' for standards development globally."

The IETF has enabled the development of standards that have supported every 
aspect of the Internet's phenomenal growth. The IETF pioneered a unique, open 
process for standards development based on principles such as "rough consensus 
and running code." While the work of the IETF takes place online, largely 
through email lists, to reduce barriers to participation and to maximize 
contributions from around the world, its in-person meetings have gathered more 
than 80,000 participants over the past 25 years.

About the Internet Engineering Task Force
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the Internet's premier technical 
standards body. It gathers a large open international community of network 
designers, engineers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the 
evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the 
Internet. The IETF seeks broad participation. The work of the IETF takes place 
online, largely through email lists, reducing barriers to participation and 
maximizing contributions from around the world. IETF Working Groups (WGs) are 
organized by topic into several areas (e.g., routing, transport, security, 

For more information, see:


Jim Brady
+1 408-482-4719

Wende Cover
Internet Society
+1 703-439-2773

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