Call for Papers

The IAB and IRTF will hold a workshop on "Congestion Control for Interactive
Real-Time Communication" in Vancouver, Canada on Saturday, July 28th, 2012
prior to the IETF-84 meeting.  More information on the workshop is available

This is an invitation-only workshop.

Every prospective workshop participant must submit a position paper. The
position paper reflects your views on a particular area of the workshop
theme. We are interested in your opinion as an expert rather than your
official company position. Keep your submission short and focused. If your
expertise allows you to write about a range of topics, pick the one topic
you think would bring the most value to the workshop. Authors of accepted
papers will be invited to the workshop. Papers up to 3 pages, formatted in
HTML, PDF, or plain text (for example, as a submitted Internet-Draft) are
ideal.  Accepted position papers will be published.

Please use the following Website for submitting your papers:  <> 

Important Dates

Position paper submission deadline: June 23, 2012

Notification to paper authors: June 30, 2012

Workshop date:  July 28, 2012

IPR Policy

Due to the close relationship to ongoing IRTF and IETF work, the IPR
policies described in RFC 5378 and RFC 3979 apply, both to submitted
position papers and to discussions at the workshop.

Privacy Notice

Paper submissions have to contain a name and an email address. We use this
information to subscribe you to a mailing list for sharing workshop related
information prior to the workshop (e.g., updates regarding the meeting
venue, feedback on the position paper submissions). This specially created
mailing list is only used for the duration of the workshop and will be
deleted after the publication of the workshop report (which may take several
months). You may at any time decide to unsubscribe from the mailing list (at
your risk of missing information workshop related postings). 

Your name will be listed in the meeting minutes and the workshop report. We
will also publish all accepted position papers.

There will be an audio recording of the workshop discussion. This workshop
recording will not be distributed to the workshop participants nor to the
public; the purpose of the recording is to ensure that the workshop report
and the meeting minutes accurately reflect the discussions. 

Meeting Venue

The workshop will be held in Vancouver, Canada on Saturday, July 28th, 2012
prior to the IETF-84 meeting (see Additional details about the
meeting venue will be provided to authors of accepted papers. 


If you are interested to help us working towards better interactive media
congestion control mechanisms on the Internet (such as by making a
contribution towards catering costs and room rental), please contact us!

Contact Information

In case of questions please send email to




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