The IAB extends many thanks to the community members that were willing to serve 
on the RSOC for their ongoing support of the RFC Series and the RFC Series 
Editor.  The IAB especially thanks the current RSOC members for their many 

After reviewing the strong list of individuals who offered to serve on the 
RSOC, the IAB is appointing the following people to serve on the RSOC:

        Nevil Brownlee,
        Tony Hansen,
        Joe Hildebrandt,
        Bob Hinden,
        Alexey Melnikov,
        Bernard Aboba (an IAB member), and
        Joel Halpern (an IAB member).

In addition, Ray Pelletier will continue to serve as liaison from the IAOC to 
the RSOC.

The IAB sincerely thanks all of the people that offered to serve on the RSOC.  
The IAB particularly thanks the following current RSOC members that will be 
stepping off the committee during IETF 87 in Berlin:

        Fred Baker,
        Ole Jacobsen,
        John Klensin, and
        Olaf Kolkman.

On behalf of the IAB,
   Russ Housley
   IAB Chair

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