Dear Colleagues,

The IAB recently requested nominations to the ICANN Technical
Liaison Group (TLG).  We have a number of candidates, and we
are soliciting comment from the community on these candidates.

The following candidates have put their names forward:

  Marc Blanchet <>
  David Conrad <>
  Alex Deacon <>
  Geoff Huston <>
  Stephen Kent <>
  Peter Koch <>
  Warren Kumari <>
  John Levine <>
  Daniel Migault <>
  Hassan Zaheer <>

Please send your remarks in confidence about any or all candidates to and  We thank you in advance for
your help.

Best regards,
Russ Housley
IAB Chair

> Dear Colleagues,
> The IAB (on behalf of the IETF) has been asked to supply two technical
> experts to ICANN Technical Liaison Group (TLG).  The ICANN Bylaws
> (Article XI-A, Section 2, Paragraph 6) asks the IETF, ITU-T, ETSI, and
> W3C to each provide two technical experts.  The technical experts are
> expected to be "familiar with the technical standards issues that are
> relevant to ICANN's activities." These eight experts are expected to be
> "available as necessary to determine, through an exchange of e-mail
> messages, where to direct a technical question from ICANN when ICANN
> does not ask a specific TLG organization directly.
> The ICANN bylaws can be found at
> The IAB is asking the community for volunteers to serve on the ICANN TLG.
> If you are interested, please send a short e-mail to iab-chair at
> with a copy to execd at with your motivation and information
> concerning your familiarity with the IETF and ICANN as well as the other
> standards organizations represented on the TLG.  The deadline for
> volunteering is 17 Nov 2013.
> The IAB will select from the available candidates, taking into account
> the familiarity with ICANN and the IETF, their roles, and the IETF
> protocols.  While familiarity with ETSI, ITU-T, and W3C is also
> desirable, it is not required.  The selected candidates will serve on
> the ICANN TLG on personal title; however, the IAB will be looking for
> candidates who have an understanding of the interests of the technical
> community.
> The IAB will select one person for a one year term and select one person
> for a two year term.
> The ICANN TLG is expected to meet in person at or around the three ICANN
> meetings held each year.
> NOTE: ICANN does cover travel and hotel costs for a pre-determined number
> of days at each of the ICANN meetings.
> If you are willing to be considered or would like to nominate someone
> else for one of the TLG positions, please send an email to iab-chair at
> and execd at by 17 Nov 2013.
> On behalf of the IAB,
> Russ Housley
> IAB Chair

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