The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Congestion Control Requirements for Interactive Real-Time Media'
  (draft-ietf-rmcat-cc-requirements-09.txt) as Informational RFC

This document is the product of the RTP Media Congestion Avoidance
Techniques Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Spencer Dawkins and Martin Stiemerling.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

   The document describes requirements for real-time media 
   congestion control. With the standardization of RTCWeb, 
   an increasing amount of real-time media is expected in the 
   Internet and this traffic needs to be appropriately congestion- 
   controlled. Real-time media traffic has quite different requirements
   for congestion control as compared to most Internet traffic. 
   The requirements are listed in this document to develop and 
   later evaluate a congestion control scheme that is more suitable 
   for real-time media traffic than today's existing schemes.

Working Group Summary

   There was quite a lot discussion in the working group on how 
   to define fairness (mainly in respect to evaluation criteria 
   document). For this document the working group decided to 
   leave the definition of fairness open (to be addressed in the 
   evaluation criteria document). Only self-fairness was defined 
   (as roughly equal bandwidth). 

   There was a discussion on RTT-fairness. This was added as 
   an optional requirement ("if possible").

   Additionally this document addresses requirements to handle 
   different RTP streams multiplexed into one connection (5-tuple) 
   or different DSCP markings within one connection. Those points 
   were discussed on the RTCWeb and RMCAT mailing lists.

Document Quality

   This document is an informational requirements document, thus 
   there are no implementations... 

   The document received several rounds of reviews in total of 10 
   different persons (including 4 in WGLC and 2 from people mainly 
   working in RTCweb) leading to discussions with even more people 
   involved. These discussions led to several additions and small 
   modifications to the requirements. 

   The document contains two references to other w-g documents 
   of RTCWeb and RMCAT.


   Mirja Kühlewind ( is 
   Docoment Shepherd and one of the RMCAT working group chairs.
   Spencer Dawkins <> is the 
   responsible Area Director.

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