The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP)'
  (draft-ietf-softwire-map-13.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Softwires Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Brian Haberman and Ted Lemon.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary:

This document describes a mechanism for transporting IPv4 packets
across an IPv6 network using IP encapsulation, and a generic mechanism
for mapping between IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses and transport
layer ports.The mapping scheme described here supports encapsulation
of IPv4 packets in IPv6 in both mesh and hub and spoke topologies,
including address mappings with full independence between IPv6 and
IPv4 addresses.  This document describes delivery of IPv4 unicast
service across an IPv6 infrastructure.  A companion document describes
the DHCPv6 options necessary for provisioning of MAP.

Working Group Summary:

The working group had active discussion on the draft and the current
text of the draft is representative of the consensus of the working
group. This document and the lightweight 4over6 document are closely
related and it led to a lot of friction in the working group. 

MAP is capable of either providing independence between IPv6 subnet
prefix and IPv4 address or, alternatively, reducing the amount of
centralized state using rules to express IPv4/IPv6 address mappings.
This introduces an algorithmic relationship between the IPv6 subnet
and IPv4 address.  This relationship also allows the option of direct,
meshed connectivity between users. 

Lightweight 4over6, on the other hand, is a solution designed
specifically for complete independence between IPv6 subnet prefix and
IPv4 address with or without IPv4 address sharing.  This is
accomplished by maintaining state for each softwire (per-subscriber
state) in the central lwAFTR and a hub-and-spoke forwarding

Document Quality:

The document has received adequate review. The Document Shepherd has
no concerns about the depth or breadth of these reviews. There are
several interoperable implementations of the scheme and they have been
demonstrated and tested during the IETF meetings.


Suresh Krishnan is the document shepherd. Ted Lemon is the responsible

RFC Editor Note:

This document is one of a set of five softwire documents that should be 
published with sequential RFC numbers.  The numbering should be in the 
following order:


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