All -

Please consider entering your feedback for the 2016-2017 NomCom early this
week. We'll be doing on site interviews in Seoul and would appreciate your 
inputs as we sort through our options. We have nominees for the IETF Chair 
and the IAOC in addition to the IESG and IAB this cycle:

If you have general feedback areas or positions please send email to:

nomcom-2016 @

On-site in Seoul you can also give your feedback directly to the NomCom 
either by talking with any NomCom Member (identified with an orange dot on 
their badge). The full list of members can be found here:

or drop by during our open office hours:

MONDAY  11/14/16        

        1530-1550       Beverage and Snack Break - 3rd, 5th and 6th Floor Foyers
        NomCom Office Hour: Studio 8, 6th floor

TUESDAY 11/15/16        

        1530-1550       Beverage and Snack Break - 3rd, 5th and  6th Floor 
        NomCom Office Hour: Studio 8, 6th floor         

THURSDAY        11/17/16        

        1210-1330       Break
        NomCom Office Hour: Studio 8, 6th floor         
        NomCom Office Hour: Studio 8, 6th floor         

Thanks -

Lucy Lynch
NomCom Chair 2016-2017

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