Based on discussions on the main IETF mailing list and internal to the NomCom 
itself, we've decided to publish the current list of IESG, IAB, and IAOC 
nominees who have accepted their nominations.  It is our hope that in doing so, 
we will encourage even more potential nominees to consider running for a 
position on one of those bodies.  We are doing so now so that prospective 
nominees will have sufficient time to jump through whatever organizational or 
personal hoops may be necessary in order to be able to stand for one of the 
open positions.

The timeline remains the same: nominations close on October 8th.  Nominee 
questionnaires are due by October 13th.  And community feedback will start on 
October 14th.  We have decided not to change the feedback start date in order 
to give all nominees the potential for the same amount of community attention, 
regardless of when they were nominated and accepted the nomination.

The current nominees who have accepted their nominations are (in first name 
alphabetical order):

IAB Member

 o  Barry Leiba
 o  Brian Trammell
 o  Martin Thomson
 o  Melinda Shore
 o  Ted Hardie


 o  Adam Roach
 o  Alexey Melnikov 
 o  Barry Leiba

Internet AD

 o  Suresh Krishnan

Management AD

 o  Ignas Bagdonas
 o  Linda Dunbar
 o  Qin Wu

Routing AD

 o  Andrew Malis
 o  Joel Halpern
 o  Susan Hares

Security AD

 o  Daniel Migault
 o  Kathleen Moriarty
 o  Rich Salz

Transport AD

 o  Mirja Kühlewind

As you can see, we are thin on nominees for some of the positions, so the 
NomCom requests that if you know of someone who might be a potential nominee, 
please make a submission at 
 And if you have been nominated and have not yet responded to that nomination 
(either by accepting or declining), please do so at your earliest convenience.

The NomCom thanks everyone for their support.

Peter Yee
NomCom Chair 2017-18
nomcom-chair-2017 at ietf dot org
peter at akayla dot com

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