Just a reminder that feedback for the current Nominees for IETF and IAB 
leadership is due by 23:59 UTC on Friday, November 24, 2017.

You can view the list of nominees and enter feedback via the datatracker:


or you can provide your input by sending email to:

nomcom-2017 at ietf dot org

You can also send general feedback about Areas, the IESG, the IAB, and
the IAOC to the same email address.

The NomCom is starting to digest the nominee interviews from IETF 100 last
week and community feedback is a crucial element of choosing candidates for
the open positions.  We would like to encourage feedback on all of
the nominees. Please take a few moments to comment on the full range
of nominees in areas where you are active. We have good responses for
some but not all of our pool and would appreciate additional input.

Peter Yee
NomCom Chair 2017-2018
peter at akayla dot com (preferred for SPF reasons)
nomcom-chair-2017 at ietf dot org

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