I understand that there is a need to structure the meeting fees and I have no 
problem with the suggested structure

I do not understand why you need to pay when you register. The fee toady 
depends on when you pay and not when you register.

In my case working for an enterprise the registration where you have to provide 
your personal information is done by me while the payment is done by the 
purchasing department   using my registration link.
Having to  pay at the registration means that either they need to put my 
personal information or that we need to do it together.

Why is it important to pay when you register if the fee is based on the payment 

Roni Even

-----Original Message-----
From: ietf [mailto:ietf-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Andrew Sullivan
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 7:20 PM
To: i...@ietf.org; ietf-announce@ietf.org
Subject: Planned changes to registration payments & deadlines

Dear colleagues,

As part of its report provided ahead of the IETF 101 meeting and mentioned 
during the plenary session presentation, the IAOC advised the community that 
there could be an increase to meeting fees in the future.  After an examination 
of our finances and meeting attendance, we have good news.  We plan to adopt 
minimal changes to the registration fee structure and deadlines, starting with 
IETF 103.

Early-Bird registration fee remains at the same dollar amount as previously..  
We are able to do this in part because of a change in
procedure: beginning with IETF 103, we will require payment upon registration, 
and we will move the deadline for Early Bird registration to a date in line 
with other meetings and conferences.
We have also created a late registration fee.  This fee recognizes costs 
imposed by late uncertainty in paid registration numbers, such as adjusting 
expected numbers with the hotels and venues and needing to provide for on-site 
printing of registration materials. 

Our refund policies remain the same: we provide a full refund to those denied 
visas, but otherwise retain 10% of the registration fee for cancellations 
received by the end of the Monday of the meeting (and provide no refunds 

Here is the summary of the fee schedule and deadlines we intend to adopt 
beginning with IETF 103:

    Type            Fee (US$)   Deadline

    Early Bird       700        7 weeks before Monday of meeting
    Standard         875        2 weeks before Monday of meeting
    Late (&on site) 1000        none
    Full Time
    Student          150        none
    Day Pass         375        none

    Payment is due at registration.

Registration will open no later than 12 weeks before the meeting (note that 
there is a different discussion ongoing about registration opening time; this 
is merely a commitment about the latest committed opening time).

As we implement this, we plan to remove the option of cash payment for 
registration on site.  Cash payments represent a risk to both the Secretariat 
staff and the organization (because cash has to be carried around), so we 
believe that existing options are preferable to accepting cash payments.

This decision comes after three years without any change in the fees or the fee 

Comments to the IAOC on timing or other matters may be sent directly to the 
IAOC at i...@ietf.org; or if intended to be viewed by the wider community may 
be sent to i...@ietf.org.  Feedback provided within two weeks of this note 
(that is, by 8 May at 00:00 UTC) will be considered before the IAOC adopts the 
final policy.

Best regards,

Andrew Sullivan
For the IAOC

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