Hello IETF Community,
The transition of the IETF’s administration to the IETF Administrative LLC 
(https://www.ietf.org/llc/) is underway. This is the result of the work done in 
the IASA 2.0 working group.

The LLC papers were signed on August 27th and filed in Delaware formally 
establishing the IETF Administrative LLC.    
The interim LLC Board of Directors 
(https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/llc-board/) have been seated and are working 
on the transition from the IAOC to the LLC as the administrative oversight 
authority of the IETF.     

IASA 2.0 replaces the role of IETF Administrative Director (IAD) with the new 
role of IETF Executive Director.   The tile of IETF Executive Director has 
previously been used by Alexa Morris, so Alexa will now be known as the 
Managing Director, IETF Secretariat. 
The interim board held its first meeting on September 10, 2018 and second on 
September 20th.  
Minutes are published here: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/llc-board/minutes/

Notable resolutions were:
• Interim LLC Board meetings will be open to observers.  (meeting information 
is available at https://www.ietf.org/llc)

• Glenn Deen will serve as Chair of the LLC Board of Directors.  Glenn is also 
currently the Chair of the IAOC. 

• Portia Wenze-Danley, will serve as Interim IETF Executive Director reporting 
to the LLC Board of Directors. Portia was previously the acting IAD.

• Portia as Interim IETF Executive Director will oversee the IETF Secretariat, 
other staff and contractor as 
  described in the IASA 2.0 structure 

• The LLC will immediately assume responsibility from the IAOC for:
    a.  Meeting venue selection
    b.  Oversight of contracts and staff 

• The LLC will assume responsibility for the IETF budget going forward once the 
IAOC has finished it’s 2019 budget development process and presents the LLC 
Board with the 2019 IETF budget recommendation.

There is considerable work involved in sunsetting the IAOC and transitioning to 
the IETF LLC. The LLC Board’s priority is transitioning the key administrative 
functions from the IAOC as soon as possible to be ready for the first full IETF 
LLC Board of Directors. The first full LLC Board of Directors is expected to be 
seated in March 2019 at IETF 104.  
The IAOC (IETF Administrative Oversight Committee ) will continue to exist for 
the near term and its current members will continue to serve as they have until 
all the IAOC functions have been assumed by the LLC, with the exception of 
Andrew Sullivan which will continue to serve on the IAOC but as of September 
changed from being a noncom appointed IAOC member to an ex officio IAOC member 
when he assumed his new position as ISOC CEO.   The IAOC is expected to be 
sunset before IETF 103.
Work to update related IETF documents continues in the IASA2 working group.
The Interim IETF LLC Board of Directors are:
Alissa Cooper, Ted Hardie, Gonzalo Camarillo, Glenn Deen

On behalf of the interim IETF Administrative LLC Board
Glenn Deen (LLC Board Chair)

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