Last Call for IETF LLC Board Director Nominations.

Time is almost up to get in the candidate pool!

The Ask!

   The 2018-19 Nominating Committee (NomCom) is seeking nominations for the IETF
   LLC Board Director positions (three open slots) until October 31, 2018.

Current Status:

    The following have accepted a nomination (Filling 3 slots):

    * Barry Leiba
    * Bret Jordan
    * Dan Harkins
    * David Ward
    * Edward McNair
    * Fred Baker
    * Glenn Deen
    * Hago Dafalla
    * Jason Livingood
    * Kathleen Moriarty
    * Maja Andjelkovic
    * Michael Richardson
    * Nalini Elkins
    * Peter Van Roste
    * Russ Housley
    * Shauna Turner
    * Terry Manderson
    Please keep up the momentum and search your professional networks for more
    qualified nominees!

Background Information:

    The IETF Administration LLC has been created to house the administration
    of the IETF.  Detailed information about the LLC and the interim LLC board
    can be found at and respectively.

Overview of the IETF Administration LLC:
   The IETF Administration LLC ("IETF LLC") provides a corporate legal
   framework for facilitating current and future activities related to the
   Internet Engineering Task Force as well as its sister organizations, the
   Internet Architecture Board ("IAB") and the Internet Research Task Force
   ("IRTF"). IETF LLC exists to provide administrative support to these
   organizations. Its responsibilities are:
      * Operations.
         IETF LLC is responsible for supporting the ongoing operations of the
         IETF, including the development and publication of open Internet 
         holding meetings and non-meeting operations.
      * Finances.
         IETF LLC is responsible for managing the IETF's finances and budget.
      * Fundraising.  IETF LLC is responsible for raising money on behalf of
         the IETF.
      * Compliance.
         IETF LLC is responsible for establishing and enforcing policies to
         ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and rules.

Desired Experience:

   This is the summary of the required expertise for LLC Board Director.

   IETF Administration LLC Board Director Role

   Overview of the IETF Administration LLC

      The IETF Administration LLC ("IETF LLC") provides a corporate legal
      framework for facilitating current and future activities related to the
      Internet Engineering Task Force as well as its sister organizations, the
      Internet Architecture Board ("IAB") and the Internet Research Task Force
      ("IRTF").  IETF LLC exists to provide administrative support to these
      organizations. Its responsibilities are: 
         * Operations. IETF LLC is responsible for supporting the ongoing
           operations of the IETF, including meetings and non-meeting 
         * Finances. IETF LLC is responsible for managing the IETF's finances
           and budget. 
         * Fundraising. IETF LLC is responsible for raising money on behalf
           of the IETF. 
         * Compliance. IETF LLC is responsible for establishing and enforcing
           policies to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations,
           and rules. 

   Relation to the Internet Society

      IETF LLC is organized as a “disregarded entity” of the Internet Society
      ("ISOC"), which means it operates as a branch or division of ISOC for
      tax purposes. ISOC is a US501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded
      in 1992 that supports and promotes the development of the Internet as a
      global technical infrastructure, a resource to enrich people’s lives,
      and a force for good in society.

   Establishment of the IETF LLC

      IETF LLC was established in August 2018. It will initially be managed
      by an interim board of directors until the first full board of directors
      is seated in early 2019, which depends upon NomCom appointments. 

   IETF LLC Board Overview

      Candidates are sought for the role of board director on the first full
      board. All board directors are unpaid volunteers.

      The IETF LLC Board of Directors is responsible for setting broad strategic
      direction for IETF LLC on administrative, legal, financial and other
      non-technical areas. The board will be responsible for hiring and
      supervising an Executive Director. The Executive Director will be
      responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs of IETF LLC, including
      hiring staff to carry out the LLC’s responsibilities.

      The board’s other responsibilities include adopting an annual budget,
      adopting employee benefit plans, consulting the IETF community on matters
      as appropriate, and approving entering into agreements that that meet a
      significant materiality threshold. Ideally, some board directors will be
      positioned to play an active role in helping to secure financial resources
      for the IETF and to leverage personal connections that help the staff
      identify and solicit potential funders. The board’s work is high-level
      and strategic; the board is expected to delegate management of
      day-to-day activities and related decision-making to staff. 

   Candidate Experience

      Ideal candidates for the role of board director should have prior
      professional experience with: 
         * Executive management, compensation, and performance review; 
         * Financial management and budgeting on a seven-figure scale; 
         * Working with legal counsel to address organization-related legal
           and compliance issues; 
         * Fundraising in the non-profit sector; 
         * Working with geographically diverse colleagues and populations;
         * Interpersonal skills necessary to work within a distributed team
           focused on enabling the IETF to fulfill its mission. 

       Preference may be given to candidates with prior non-profit or corporate
       board experience and/or prior experience with the IETF or other similar
       technical or standards development organizations. 

       It seems unlikely each candidate will bring all of this experience
       individually. So the NomCom may wish to focus on a balance among the
       desired qualifications across the three final appointees, as a combined
       slate with complimentary skills and experience. 

   Candidate Requirements

       Requirements for the role of board director include: 
         * Taking on legal and fiduciary responsibility for IETF LLC. 
         * Traveling to board meetings multiple times per year. The number of
           meetings per year, their locations, decisions about co-locating them
           with IETF meetings, and availability of travel funding will be
           decided at the board’s discretion with input from the IETF 
         * Attending regular conference calls, potentially in different time
           zones outside of normal business hours. 
         * Preparing for board meetings and calls in advance and actively
           participating inboard discussions. 
         * Making heavy use of email and other online communications tools as
           key means for advancing the work of the board and conversing with
           staff and IETF participants. 
         * Operating transparently and engaging openly with the IETF community
           and the staff. 
         * Acting in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and
           board policies. 

       In the board’s first year it is anticipated that board directors will
       spend an average of four hours per week on the board’s work.

   Initial IETF LLC Board Priorities

       The initial priorities and key tasks of the IETF LLC Board are listed
       in Section 9.1 of 

Mechanics of Nomination:

   Nominations may be made by selecting the Nominate link at the top of the 
   NomCom 2018 home page, or by visiting the following URL: 

   Note:  Nominations made using the web tool require an datatracker
   account. You can create a datatracker account if you don't have one 
   already by visiting the following URL:

   If you are unable to use the web form, nominations may instead be made by 
   email to nomcom-18 at ietf dot org. If using email, please include the word 
   "Nominate" in the Subject and indicate in the email who is being nominated, 
   their email address (to confirm acceptance of the nomination), and the 
   position for which you are making the nomination. If you are nominating 
   someone other than yourself, please tell us if we may tell the nominee that 
   you were the one who made the nomination. If you wish to nominate someone 
   email for more than one position, please use separate emails to do so. 

   Self-nomination is welcome! 

   Willing nominees will be asked to fill out a questionnaire specific to the 
   position for which they are nominated. The questionnaires will be available 
   on September 19, 2018 and have a submission deadline of November 14, 2018. 

   NomCom 2018-19 will follow the policy for "Open Disclosure of Willing 
   Nominees" described in BCP 10/RFC 7437. As stated in RFC 7437: "The list of 
   nominees willing to be considered for positions under review in the current 
   NomCom cycle is not confidential". Willing nominees for each position will 
   listed in a publicly accessible way, e.g., anyone with a datatracker account 
   may access the lists. Additionally, the nomination form asks if we may share 
   your own name with the nominee. In all other ways, the confidentiality 
   requirements of BCP 10 remain in effect. All feedback and all NomCom 
   deliberations will remain confidential and will not be disclosed. 

   There is a field on the form you can mark in order to allow the NomCom to 
   tell the nominee that you were the one who made the nomination. This 
   to “no” - so if you don't mark the field we won’t tell. 

   In order to ensure time to collect sufficient community feedback about each 
   of the willing nominees, nominations must be received by the NomCom on or 
   before October 31, 2018. 

Schedule (from:
The work phase for LLC Board Director:

 * Wednesday, August 23, 2018: NomCom Receives Guidance
 * Wednesday, September 12, 2018: NomCom Call for nominations
 * Wednesday, September 19, 2018: Questionnaires available for candidates
 * Wednesday, October 31, 2018: Deadline for nominations
 * November 3 to November 9, 2018: IETF 103 (Bangkok)
    * @ Plenary Initiate Call for Community Feedback
 * Wednesday, November 14, 2018: Nominee questionnaire deadline
    * Start scheduling eInterviews and reviewing LLC Board Member questionnaires
 * Wednesday, January 9, 2019: Deadline for community feedback
 * Wednesday, January 16, 2019: Completed all LLC Board Member eInterviews
 * Wednesday, February 13, 2019: The LLC Board Member deliberations and the
   slate process completes and NomCom sends slate to confirming body.
   (NomCom's aspirational date.)
 * March 23-29, 2019: IETF 104 (Prague) NomCom reports


   Please submit your nominations as early as possible for the sake of your 

   Please be resourceful in identifying possible candidates for these

   More information is available by visiting the NomCom homepage:

   Please send suggestions and feedback to nomcom-18 at ietf dot org. 

   Thank you for your help in identifying qualified nominees! 


Scott Mansfield
scott dot mansfield at ericsson dot com
nomcom-chair-2018 at ietf dot org

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