This report is provided in advance of IETF103 for the purpose of giving the 
community more detail on the work of the IETF Administration LLC as well as the 
final report from the IAOC.  

The IETF Administration LLC Board of Directors and IAOC will present a 
consolidated version of this at the IETF103 Plenary. Please bring any questions 
you have to the IETF103 plenary or send them to the IETF LLC Board at

New IETF meeting fees and registration process
IETF103 is the first meeting held under the new meeting fee structure:

     $700  Early Bird rate up to 7 weeks before 
     $875  Standard Rate up to 2 weeks before
    $1000  Late Rate after 2 weeks before 

     $150  Student Fee
     $375  One Day Pass

IETF103 registration patterns were very different from prior meetings with many 
participants taking advantage of the new Early Bird rate.       

The registration process was also updated for IETF103 to require meeting fees 
be paid by new attendees prior to Letters of Invitation being available.  While 
there were a few initial operational bugs in the updated system that were 
encountered by a few registrants during Early Bird registration, the 
Secretariat responded quickly and resolved the bugs allowing for a smooth 
registration process for IETF103 attendees. 

As of the cut off for the Standard Rate registration deadline, the Early Bird 
and Standard registrations for IETF103 were:  
      423  Early Bird registrations
      229  Standard Rate registrations 

The projected IETF103 attendance is 900 which will include Late Rate, Students, 
and One Day Pass registrations which are not reflected in the above numbers.  
Additional registration information and stats will be presented at the IETF103 

IETF103 Thailand Visas

Thailand is a new location for the IETF;  though it has successfully hosted 
many international technical conferences, it is new to most IETF attendees.   
One area of concern had been what visas IETF attendees from around the world 
would require to attend IETF103.  Working with the local Thailand Conference 
and Event Bureau (TCEB) we were able to have IETF103 declared an official MICE 
event (Meetings Incentive Conventions Exhibitions) including a letter for 
attendees from the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau which greatly 
helped clarify that IETF103 attendees qualify for the visa requirements for 
MICE attendees. 

IETF106 Singapore

Singapore has been chosen as the location for IETF106 in November 2019, and due 
to the heightened discussion around IETF100 we would like to provide some 
context around this decision.

We chose Singapore to meet our 1-1-1 (Europe-North America-Asia) meeting 
rotation goal, and Singapore was selected because when compared to the other 
Asia meeting location choices evaluated and having availability for the IETF106 
dates the IAOC concluded Singapore was the best overall of the available 
choices.  Before making this decision, the IAOC also carefully reviewed the 
comments made about Singapore in response to the IAOC’s call for venue city 
input, the post meeting survey results from IETF100, and evaluation of 
Singapore against the Meeting Venue Selection draft-16 criteria.  
The IETF100 post meeting survey respondents submitted the following overall 
rating of the meeting location:

             Excellent:     49.11%  (83 respondents)
             Very Good:     27.81%  (47)
             Good:          16.57%  (28)
             Fair:           5.33%   (9)
             Poor:           1.18%   (2) 

An important issue cited by several respondents to the post IETF100 survey was 
the cost to attendees.  Noting this we worked hard to negotiate the November 
2019 IETF106 hotel room rates to be the same as we paid at IETF100 in 2017 
keeping guest room rates flat despite the 2 year difference and bucking the 
global trend of hotel room rates surging upward.

IASA2.0 and IETF Administration LLC
A major milestone of the IETF Administrative Support Activity 2 working group, 
led by chairs Jason Livingood and Jon Peterson, was achieved on August 27 when 
the legal documents creating the IETF Administration LLC were signed and filed 
in Delaware.   This established the IETF Administration LLC as a distinct legal 
entity with its own bank accounts, ability to sign legal contracts, raise 
funds, and hire staff.    
The IETF Administration LLC, or IETF LLC as many casually refer to it, is 
structured as documented in the IASA2 WG Draft 
( and replaces the IAOC and 
the IAD with the new IETF LLC Board of Directors and the new IETF Executive 
Director roles.  
The interim IETF LLC Board of Directors consisting of the Chairs of the IESG 
(Alissa Cooper), the IAB (Ted Hardie), the IAOC (Glenn Deen) and the ISOC Board 
of Trustees (Gonzalo Camarillo) was seated and will serve until the first full 
board is seated.   Glenn Deen was elected chair by the interim Board at its 
first meeting.   

The board can be contacted at and the chair can be contacted 
The selection process to fill the full board is underway with 3 members to be 
selected by the IETF NOMCOM, 1 member by the IESG, and 1 member by the ISOC 
Board of Trustees. The first full board is expected to be seated by IETF104 in 
March 2019.   
More information about the IETF LLC Board of Directors is available on the IETF 
LLC Board page ( including meeting 
minutes and information about upcoming IETF LLC Board meetings.  In the 
interest of transparency, one of the first decisions made by the board was to 
open board meetings to observers, so please attend if interested.

The LLC Board is focused on completing the transition from the IAOC. The 
immediate priority has been establishing financial accounts and accounting 
procedures; beginning work on an investment policy and selecting an investment 
manager; reviewing proposals for insurance, legal, and accounting practices 
under the LLC; and finalizing the 2019 IETF Budget.   

IAD and IETF Executive Director
The IETF LLC Agreement calls for the role of an IETF Executive Director. Our 
current interim IETF Administrative Director (IAD), Portia Wenze-Danley, is 
serving as interim Executive Director. The first full board will conduct a 
recruitment search for a permanent executive director next year.  Portia can be 
reached at

The IASA2.0 creation of the new role of IETF Executive Director meant that 
there was a conflict with the existing title of IETF Executive Director which 
was Alexa Morris.  To fix this, Alexa’s new title is now Managing Director IETF 

With the establishment of the IETF LLC, the IAOC (IETF Administrative Oversight 
Committee) is being shut down as the IETF LLC assumes the responsibilities 
previously performed by the IAOC.   Most IAOC work including IETF meeting venue 
selection, oversight of the IETF Executive Director, financial management, and 
the IETF 2019 budget have already been transferred to the IETF LLC.   The IAOC 
will be formally disbanded once the IETF Trust rules have been updated to 
remove the current requirement that IETF Trustees be members of the IAOC in 
order to serve.  The needed changes to do this are undergoing the review 
process and are expected to be complete very shortly.  
Thank you to the IETF IAOC members for their work on both the IAOC and on the 
hand off work to the IETF LLC:  Ted Hardie, Alissa Cooper, Kaveh Ranjbar, John 
Levine, Lou Berger, Portia Wenze-Danley, Andrew Sullivan, and Glenn Deen.

IETF 2019 Budget
The IAOC has completed its work on the IETF 2019 budget and has submitted it as 
a recommendation to the IETF LLC Board of Directors which is reviewing it and 
working on finalizing the budget. This is expected to be completed by the end 
of IETF103.  Additional budget information will be published once it is 
completed and adopted.

Upcoming meetings

IETF104 March 23-29, 2019 in Prague - CZ.nic (TBD Co-host)
IETF105 July 20-26, 2019 in Montreal - hosted by Comcast & NBCUniversal
IETF106 November 16-22,2019 in Singapore
IETF107 March 21-27, 2020 in Vancouver
IETF108 July 25-31,2020 in Madrid hosted by Ericsson 

Please contact Ken Boyden ( if you are interesting in 
sponsoring at any level one of the upcoming IETF meetings.

Thank you
Glenn Deen, on behalf of the IAOC(as Chair) and on behalf of the IETF 
Administration LLC Board of Directors(as Chair)

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