The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'TCP Alternative Backoff with ECN (ABE)'
  (draft-ietf-tcpm-alternativebackoff-ecn-12.txt) as Experimental RFC

This document is the product of the TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions
Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Mirja Kühlewind and Spencer Dawkins.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

   The recently published RFC 8311 (Relaxing Restrictions on Explicit 
Congestion Notification (ECN) Experimentation) allows a TCP sender to react to 
an ECN signal in a different way than to a inferred loss signal if the 
behaviour is documented in an experimental RFC. This document describes such an 
experiment in which the reduction of the congestion window in response to an 
ECN signal is smaller than in response to an inferred packet loss. Therefore 
the TCPM working group requests publication as an experimental document.

Working Group Summary

   Was there anything in the WG process that is worth noting?
   For example, was there controversy about particular points 
   or were there decisions where the consensus was
   particularly rough? 

Document Quality

   The document has been discussed several times in working group meetings 
without any major controversy. There were also no substantial problems reported 
during the working group last call and it is implemented for FreeBSD (the code 
has been committed to the FreeBSD code base). The risk of running this 
experiment is relatively low, since the reaction to a loss is not changed. 
There is very strong consensus in the TCPM working group that this document 
should be published.


   The document shepherd is Michael Tüxen <>. The 
responsible Area Director is Mirja Kühlewind <>.

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