Last Call for Community Feedback Requested on the IETF Trust Nominees

The 2018-19 Nominating Committee has finalized the list of willing nominees for 
the positions open this cycle.

NomCom will produce a slate of 3 with one individual for a one year term, one 
individual for a two year term, and one individual for a three year term.

The desired experience guidance received by NomCom is here -->

The deadline for community feedback for the IETF Trust is: 16 January 2019.

IETF Trust Nominees:

Bret Jordan
Fred Baker
Glenn Deen
Iuniana Oprescu
Joel Halpern
Kathleen Moriarty
Michael Richardson
Nathalie Trenaman
Paul Wouters
Ted Hardie

You can provide feedback using the following URL:

You may provide feedback using the web form there; it is secure.  All web 
feedback goes into the datatracker using asymmetric encryption, which is then 
decrypted by the NomCom members as they read it.  Your feedback can not be seen 
by the secretariat, the tools people, or any of the management.

Your feedback through the web form is not anonymous when shown to NomCom 
members as you need an IETF login to provide it.

If you want to give truly anonymous feedback, please contact one of the NomCom 
members that you trust directly, and ask him/her to relay the feedback 
anonymously to the NomCom.

You can also submit feedback via email to nomcom-chair-2018 at and I 
will enter it in the datatracker. One email per candidate, please. Please 
indicate if I should share your identity with the full NomCom.

The positions to be filled and the desired expertise are found here:

Thank you so much for your feedback - we really value it and appreciate your 
time taken to submit it.


Scott Mansfield
scott dot mansfield at ericsson dot com
nomcom-chair-2018 at ietf dot org

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