The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Path Computation Element (PCE) Protocol Extensions for Stateful PCE
   usage for Point-to-Multipoint Traffic Engineering Label Switched
  (draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce-p2mp-13.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Path Computation Element Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Alvaro Retana, Martin Vigoureux and Deborah

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

The Path Computation Element (PCE) has been identified as an
appropriate technology for the determination of the paths of 
point-to-multipoint (P2MP) TE Label Switched Paths (LSPs). 

This document provides extensions required for Path Computation
Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) so as to enable the usage
of a stateful PCE capability in supporting P2MP TE LSPs.

Working Group Summary

The working group process has been uneventful. The author team
comes from vendors and operators who ship and deploy P2MP
RSVP-TE and so have a very strong interest in these PCE 

Document Quality

This document received only moderate review during its time in
the working group. P2MP function is somewhat fringe, and so 
only a small group of people worked on it. As a result, WG last
call was quiet.

The document shepherd (Adrian Farrel) and the out-going chair
(Jon Hardwick) made detailed reviews that led to a number of
minor changes.

Implementation status is not known, but it is believed that 
two vendors have roadmap plans.


   Who is the Document Shepherd for this document?  Adrian Farrel
   Who is the Responsible Area Director?  Deborah Brungard


IANA Early code point allocation was made for the code points
needed by this work.

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