A new IETF WG has been proposed in the Operations and Management Area. The
IESG has not made any determination yet. The following draft charter was
submitted, and is provided for informational purposes only. Please send your
comments to the IESG mailing list (i...@ietf.org) by 2019-10-28.

Media OPerationS (mops)
Current status: Proposed WG

  Leslie Daigle <ldai...@thinkingcat.com>

Assigned Area Director:
  Éric Vyncke <evyn...@cisco.com>

Operations and Management Area Directors:
  Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net>
  Ignas Bagdonas <ibagd...@gmail.com>

Technical advisors:
  Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net>

Mailing list:
  Address: m...@ietf.org
  To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/mops
  Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/mops/

Group page: https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/mops/

Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-mops/

Internet- and Internet-protocol-delivered media is widespread, leading to
significant technology development across industries not traditionally thought
of as Internet technology developers or operators, as well as considerable
quantities of traffic on local and transit networks. The focus of MOPS is on
identifying areas where existing protocols and/or networks are challenged by
these updated requirements.

MOPS will solicit input on operational issues and practices; existing and
proposed technologies related to the deployment, engineering, and operation
of media streaming and manipulation protocols and procedures in the global
Internet; and inter-domain and within-domain networking. In the context of
this working group, media is considered to include the transport of video,
audio, objects and any combination thereof, possibly non-sequentially. The
scope is media and media protocols’ interactions with the network, but not
the technologies of control protocols or media formats.

MOPS provides a venue for both video industry and Internet engineering
experts to engage in discussion of video technology’s requirements of
networking standards, as well as proposals for new uses of IP technology
in video. Where new protocols are needed, MOPS will help identify candidate
venues for their development.

The goals of MOPS include documenting existing protocol and operational issues
with media on the Internet, and identifying requirements for potential IETF
work. The general process of elaboration through documentation will be for
issues to be identified (on the mailing list) and presentations made at WG
meetings. When topics merit more coherent documentation, MOPS will adopt
working group documents to capture the information in Internet-Drafts. If the
working group consensus is that the material of the Internet-Draft is
generally useful for archival purposes, the WG will seek publication of the
work items as RFCs. At any point — from early discussion of topics, through
later documentation stages — MOPS may identify a more appropriate WG for the
matter and/or document, and dispatch it.

With that in mind, MOPS will:

1/ Solicit regular updates from other media technology developing
consortia/standards bodies working with IETF-developed protocols.

2/ Solicit input from network operators and users to identify operational
issues with media delivery in and across networks, and determine solutions or
workarounds to those issues.

3/ Solicit discussion and documentation of the issues and opportunities in
media acquisition and delivery, and of the resulting protocols and
technologies developed outside the IETF.

4/ Document operational requirements for media acquisition (for example, from
cameras and recording devices) and delivery.

5/ Develop operational information to aid in operation of media technologies
in the global Internet.

These activities should document media operational experience, including
global Internet, inter-domain and within-domain operations.

In all cases of working with other organizations mentioned above, MOPS will
work with existing liaison managers where the IETF has them, and informal
connections with other organizations otherwise. If new formal liaison
relationships are required, MOPS will work with the IAB to help establish

Media operational and deployment issues with specific protocols or
technologies (such as Applications, Transport Protocols, Routing Protocols,
DNS or Sub-IP Protocols) remain the responsibility of the groups or areas
responsible for those protocols or technologies. However, the MOPS Working
Group may provide input to those areas/groups, as needed, and cooperate with
those areas/groups in reviewing solutions to MOPS operational and deployment

There must be a continuing expression of interest for the Working Group to
work on a particular work item. If there is no longer sufficient interest in
the Working Group in a work item, the item may be removed from the list of
Working Group items.

The IESG is establishing this working group on an experimental basis and
intends to review it, for rechartering to continue or else closure, in 2


  Feb 2020 - Draft of edge network operational considerations for streaming

  Feb 2020 - Initial draft operational considerations for low latency
  streaming video applications

  Mar 2020 - Draft documenting Streaming Video Alliance (SVA) reliance on
  IETF protocols

  Mar 2020 - Draft documenting Society of Motion Picture and Television
  Engineers (SMPTE) protocol reliance on IETF protocols

  Jul 2020 - Last-call document on Streaming Video Alliance (SVA) reliance on
  IETF protocols (including explicit outreach to SVA)

  Jul 2020 - Last-call document on Society of Motion Picture and Television
  Engineers (SMPTE) protocol reliance on IETF protocols (including explicit
  outreach to SMPTE)

  Jul 2020 - Revised draft of edge network operational considerations for
  streaming media

  Jul 2020 - Revised draft operational considerations for low latency
  streaming video applications

  Nov 2020 - Last-call document on edge network considerations for streaming

  Nov 2020 - Last-call document on operational considerations for low latency
  streaming video applications

  Nov 2020 - Develop work items specific to media acquisition and delivery

  Nov 2021 - IESG to decide whether continue, re-charter or close MOPS WG

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