The IESG is responsible for appointing one person to the IETF Trust for a 
two-year term to begin in March 2020. A call for nominations was sent out and 
the following candidates have accepted a nomination:

o Stephan Wenger, currently serving as the IESG appointee on a one year term
o Hago Dafalla
o Michael Richardson

(We also had one more candidate, Glenn Deen, who had accepted a nomination but 
has since been selected as the Nomcom appointee for the IETF Trust)

Please send feedback about these three candidates to 
This feedback will be held in confidence by the IESG. Please provide the 
feedback by February 6, 2020.

We thank you in advance for your help.  

On behalf of the IESG,
Suresh Krishnan
Internet Area Director
IETF-Announce mailing list

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