The IESG, IETF Administration LLC and IRTF Chair are seeking feedback on the 
following proposals regarding planning for IETF 109:

1. Assessment Criteria
We propose to use the same criteria [1] for assessing whether to go ahead with 
an in-person IETF 109 meeting or switch to an online meeting.  These criteria 
were previously consulted on and worked well when used for IETF 108 [2].

2. Fee structure for an online meeting
We propose to use the same fee structure in use for IETF 108 [3] if IETF 109 
switches to an online meeting, including unlimited fee waivers [4].  This fee 
structure was previously the subject of a short consultation following a 
community discussion. 

The criteria and fee decision will be used for the following planning timetable:

20 Jul 2020     This consultation opens.

17 Aug 2020     This consultation closes.

24 Aug 2020     Response to consultation communicated and assessment begins 
using the final criteria.

31 Aug 2020     Decision made and communicated on whether to switch to an 
online meeting and the fee structure if that happens.

07 Sep 2020     Registration opens.

14 Nov 2020     IETF 109 begins.

It should be noted that a new Working Group has been chartered, SHMOO (Stay 
Home Meet Only Online) that will be looking at the future of online meetings, 
including the assessment criteria and fee structures.  We will be following the 
discussions in SHMOO and will ensure that those discussions inform IETF 109 
planning to the extent possible, given the short time frame.  We understand 
that time is short, but if the SHMOO working group has reached consensus 
relevant to the criteria by 24 August 2020 then that will take precedence over 
this consultation, and if it has reached consensus relevant to the fee 
structure by 31 August 2020 then that too will take precedence over this 
consultation, even before IETF consensus is reached. 

Please send any feedback to so that it can be used as 
input by the SHMOO working group.


Alissa Cooper, IETF Chair
Jay Daley, IETF Executive Director
Colin Perkins, IRTF Chair

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