Dear Colleagues,

the IAB has uploaded its report for the IETF-112 meeting to the proceedings in 
the datatracker. To access the full report, please see here:

As always in this mail I would like to highlight some recents activities:

IAB Workshop on Analysing IETF Data (AID): Nov 29- Dec 2, online
The IAB is organizing a workshop on Analysing IETF Data (AID) from Nov 29 to 
Dec 2, 2021. As previous workshops, this workshop will be online only, however, 
we are planning for discussion sessions on Monday and Thursday, while Tuesday 
and Wednesday will provide some time for a hackathon. The aim of this activity 
is to enable engineers and researchers  to mine the IETF’s data sources in 
order to explore trends and derive insights into the inner workings of the 
process of standardization, participation, and governance. 

The full agenda can be found on the IAB workshop webpage and all position 
papers will be published there in the next days:

RFC Editor Future Development Program 
The RFC Editor Future Development Program, while hosted under the IAB umbrella, 
operates like an IETF working group in order to develop changes to how the RFC 
Editor function is managed, staffed, and overseen. Program has started the 
program last call for draft-iab-rfced-future-rfced-model to run until Nov 5, 
which will be followed by a wider community consultation.

Please review the draft and provide feedback on the mailing list:

The RFC Editor Future Development Program will also hold a meeting at IETF-112 
on Wednesday, Nov 10, 15:30 UCT+1. 

See also

Open Independent Submission Editor (ISE) position - Thanks to Adrian!
After serving four years as the Independent Submissions Editor (ISE), Adrian 
Farrel is planning to step down in February 2022. The IAB thanks Adrian for his 
service, and is now searching for candidates to fill the ISE role. Suggestions 
for candidates are welcome at

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the report or 
anything else, please send a mail to Or feel free to also just 
send me an email directly!

Hope to see you all also in the plenary this Wednesday and the IABopen meeting 
next week!

Best regards,
Mirja Kühlewind
IAB Chair

On behalf of the IAB

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