The Education and Outreach Directorate (eodir) Directorate will hold a
virtual interim meeting on 2023-09-20 from 11:00 to 12:00 America/New_York
(15:00 to 16:00 UTC).

# IETF Education and Outreach Directorate Interim Meeting
2023-09-20 15:00 UTC

Draft agenda

0. Agenda bash
1. Introductions
2. Activity review and updates
3. Outreach for upcoming IETF meetings (IETF 118 Prague, IETF 119 Brisbane)
4. Thinking big about increasing participation/diversity: what would that look 
like? what would it take? (Follow up from IETF 117 plenary discussion)
5. IETF culture (follow up from eodir meeting during IETF 117)
6. Next steps and follow up)

Information about remote participation:

A calendar subscription for all eodir meetings is available at

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