
This note serves as a reminder to fill out the survey about the IETF 125 venue. 
 All registered participants in a past meeting between IETF 114 and 119 should 
have an individual and non-shareable survey invitation via email with the 
subject "Qualtrics Survey: IETF Survey on IETF 125 venue" from 
“nore...@qemailserver.com”.  The survey will close Saturday, 27 July 23:59 UTC, 
2024, the day after the end of the IETF 120 meeting in Vancouver.

# Did not receive the survey?

The IESG or the IETF LLC have received sporadic reports of the survey email not 
being received.  Please check your spam folder as some participants have 
reported delivery there.  If the survey email is not located there, please 
contact exec-direc...@ietf.org.

# Corrections

There are two corrections to the original announcement:

* The correct subject title of the survey email is "Qualtrics Survey: IETF 
Survey on IETF 125 venue".  Previously the suffix of “Qualtrics Survey” was 

* The provided reference for venue assessment reports cited the original 
  The venue assessment for Shenzhen was updated in June 2024.  See 

# Explanation of Survey Flow

The IESG has received questions about the survey flow.  Just as is done for the 
post-meeting survey, the questions in the survey use a conditional logic – 
follow-up questions are determined by the answer to previous questions.  For 
clarity, the full survey is as follows. 

==[ full survey ]==
Q1:  Would you ordinarily expect to participate onsite at an IETF Meeting in 
a) Yes - I would expect to participate onsite
b) Maybe / It depends
c) No - I would expect to participate remotely
d) No - I would not expect to participate at all

[IF Q1-answer is (a) “Yes” or (b) “Maybe/ It depends”, THEN Q2 ELSE end-survey ]

Q2:  If the IETF were to book a meeting in China in March 2026, how would that 
affect your planned onsite participation?
a) I would still plan to participate onsite
b) I would not plan to participate onsite

[IF Q2-answer is (a) “I would still plan to participate onsite” THEN Q3 ELSE 

Q30: Would you expect there to be any adverse impact on your ability to 
contribute to the IETF standards process or IRTF research groups, while onsite 
at an IETF meeting in China?
a) Not at all / Not in a meaningful way
b) Some
c) Significant


==[ snip ]==

Thank you for your input!

(as IETF Chair)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IETF Chair <ch...@ietf.org>
> Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2024 8:58 AM
> To: IETF Announcement List <ietf-announce@ietf.org>
> Subject: Community survey on IETF 125 venue
> Hi!
> # Summary
> The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) needs input on planning IETF
> 125, the March 2026 meeting.  All registered participants in a past meeting
> between IETF 114 and 119 will receive an individual and non-shareable survey
> invitation via email with the subject “IETF Survey on IETF 125 venue” from
> “nore...@qemailserver.com”  The survey will close Saturday, 27 July 23:59
> UTC, 2024, the day after the end of the IETF 120 meeting in Vancouver.
> # Detailed Explanation
> The IETF Administration LLC operationalized the responsibility given to it by
> RFC8718 of “arranging the selection … of the IETF plenary meeting venue” by
> creating the venue identification and selection process [1].
> Consistent with Steps 1 - 3 of [1], the IETF LLC assessed and consulted the
> community on holding a meeting in China (Shenzhen or Beijing).  It concluded
> that such a meeting venue is within policy and financially viable.  See [2], 
> [3],
> and [4] for a reference of these assessments, call for community input, and 
> the
> two summaries of this community consultation.
> Due to community concerns expressed with these venues, the IETF LLC has
> turned to the IESG per Step 4b of [1] to validate that the core values of “why
> we meet” of RFC8718 will be met.
> ==[ from Section 2.1, Core Values, of RFC8718 ]==
> Why we meet:
> We meet to pursue the IETF's mission [RFC3935]. This is partly done by
> advancing the development of Internet-Drafts and RFCs. We also seek to
> facilitate attendee participation in multiple topics and to enable cross-
> pollination of ideas and technologies.
> ==[ end ]==
> The IESG has assessed that it cannot answer this question of whether a given
> venue meets the core objective in RFC 8718 of “why we meet” without direct
> input from the community on their plans for attendance and engagement at
> the proposed IETF 125 venue.  Hence, a survey will be sent to all meeting
> participants since IETF 114 with the subject “IETF Survey on IETF 125 venue”
> from “nore...@qemailserver.com”
> The IESG will synthesize this community feedback after the conclusion of the
> survey, and plans to answer the IETF LLC’s question about the venue by
> September 2024.   This decision will be shared with the community along with
> the aggregated survey results.  If the IESG decision is affirmative that the 
> venue
> meets the core objective of RFC8718, then the IETF LLC will proceed to step 5
> of [1].  If the decision is negative, the IETF LLC will not proceed with these
> venues in China for IETF 125 and will consider alternatives.
> If you are a survey recipient, thank you in advance for your prompt input.  
> The
> survey deadline is Saturday, July 27 23:59 UTC, 2024.
> Regards,
> Roman
> (as IETF Chair, for the IESG)
> # References
> [1] https://www.ietf.org/meeting/planning/
> [2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf-
> announce/ph216mZaUexR18dj_pkZrtWwn_k/
> [3] https://www.ietf.org/blog/proposed-response-to-meeting-venue-
> consultations-and-the-complex-issues-raised/
> [4] https://www.ietf.org/blog/final-response-to-meeting-venue-consultations/

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