On 2/10/23 10:23 AM, Wei Chuang wrote:
Hi all,
I've posted an updated version of the draft-chuang-dkim-replay-problem-01 <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-chuang-dkim-replay-problem/01/> draft.  It cleans up a lot from the -00 rough draft state so hopefully it's more clear.  It builds a case that spammers are exploiting DKIM through replay, identifies conflicting scenarios, and outlines a solution space.


PS Many, many thanks goes to Dave Crocker for his editorial advice.

Ietf-dkim mailing list

| Transmission through an Inbound Filtering Service

I think it should be made clear that SPF will fail if checked on any receiver farther downstream from the MX record. I think that's really what's going on here, and has little to do with filtering services, etc.

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