On 3/28/23 11:07 AM, Hector Santos wrote:
On Mar 28, 2023, at 1:36 PM, Michael Thomas<m...@mtcc.com>  wrote:

Since the chair is threatening to ban me, I decided to write up my view of 
things in a longer form.


This has some technical aspects and meta aspects. The meta aspects can be 
addressed in the blog comments itself instead of here.



“I, for one, welcome/our/new computer/overlords/”.



I asked ChatGPT 4.0 to summarize your extensive blog post for me.


The blog post discusses concerns related to DMARC, ARC, and DKIM Replays in the 
context of email security and the working group's efforts to address these 
issues. The author expresses confusion and skepticism about the necessity and 
effectiveness of the proposed solutions.

Top concerns and conflicts:

1. Unclear motivations and politics behind DMARC: The author questions the 
reasons behind DMARC's creation and its differences from ADSP, as well as the 
intentions of the working group members involved.

2. ARC's purpose and necessity: The author doubts the need for ARC, which 
recreates DKIM and Authentication-Results with minor tweaks, and its ability to 
solve mailing list traversal problems.

3. DKIM Replay problem and lack of clear solutions: The blog post raises 
concerns about the lack of consensus on how to address the issue of DKIM 
Replays, as well as the opacity of mailbox providers' practices.

4. Insufficient information and secrecy: The author argues that the lack of 
transparency from mailbox providers and the closed nature of industry groups 
like M3AAWG hinder the working group's ability to develop effective solutions.

5. Ineffective proposed solutions: The blog post criticizes the solutions 
proposed so far, arguing that they do not seem practical or likely to

6. Unclear definition of success: The author points out that there is no clear 
goal for the working group to achieve, as the spam issue is not a matter of 
absolutes but rather probabilities.

7. Passive-aggressive working group chairs: The author criticizes the behavior 
of the working group chairs, suggesting that they may have
their own agendas or be uninterested in finding solutions.

8. Doubtful effectiveness of the rechartered working group: The author believes 
that the working group's track record, combined with the lack
of available tools and knowledge within the IETF community, makes success 


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