Hi all, welcome back from the holidays.

It's been about ten weeks since Laura posted about the status of the WG,
and a final plea was made for energy and activity.  Since then, despite a
handful of people expressing interest at the M3AAWG meeting in Brooklyn,
there has been no activity of any kind; the promise of progress has once
again been a false one.  Even granting extra time for the holidays that
just passed, I think we've waited long enough.

Accordingly, a deadline seems in order: This WG will close sometime after
January 15th if no sustained push to be productive toward the charter's
goals has developed by then.  Anything after that will need to be sponsored
by a willing Area Director, seek publication via the ISE, or start the
DISPATCH process over again, and surviving that latter option will probably
face a high credibility bar.

-MSK, ART Area Director
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