Matthäus Wander wrote in
 |David Harris wrote on 2024-03-22 13:25:
 |> I now have my implementation complete: I was wondering if there is a
 |> recommended way of testing it - for instance, a reference site that \
 |> allows you
 |> to send messages and then replies with information about the correctness \
 |> of
 |> your implementation, or an application that can generate signatures \
 |> for data
 |> you supply, showing its work product (the various hashes and canonicaliz\
 |> ed
 |> forms) so you can compare it with your own.
 |Maybe this one helps:
 |Ed25519 is supported.

Thanks for this!  Unfortunately i did not discover it earlier.
I mean, i had dkimpy (and dkimpy-milter) here, but it wants
a fully blown setup and installation, ie: access to DNS and all
that, the entire python3 infrastructure.
(When i extend my -sign for full operation somewhen in autumn
i hope i can somehow implement a test mode where the public (DNS)
keys can be fed in via some option.)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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