We have a very aggressive schedule, and a lot of things to talk about
-- and, clearly, a lot of things we WANT to talk about -- before we
meet that schedule.  That we might have a better chance of succeeding,
I'm asking people to keep the discussion focused by following these

1. I have no intention of squelching open discussion, but there will be
times when we have a need to keep the discussion to certain topics or
documents in order to make progress and not get lost in the swamp.  For
now, the ONLY TOPIC OPEN is the charter, since we have just a week to
make any changes to that.  Until the charter is submitted, please keep
your posts limited to discussions of the charter.  After that, we'll
open it up to the threats document only, since we have a short time to
get that finished.  I'll post more about that when the charter is done.

2. Please keep your posts to a single topic each.  If you have a number
of things to bring up, send multiple messages, with different subjects.
If you significantly change the focus of a thread, change the subject
accordingly.  It's your judgement, of course, as to whether the
multiple points you have to make constitute one subject, or several.
It really helps everyone if we keep each post on topic, to the point,
and brief.

3. Related to (2), and on the brevity point, remember that, as
Shakespeare wrote, brevity is the soul of wit.  If your posts are long
and rambling, they're hard to digest, and not everyone will take the
time to read them.  Please try to make your points concisely -- say as
much as you need to to make the point... but please keep it tight.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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