On Nov 22, 2005, at 2:28 PM, Hector Santos wrote:

I suspect a significant constituency of users would desire
such freedom, while also appreciating improved protections.

How about the rights of the server? of the domain owner?

The signing-domain would be that of the administrative-unit introducing the message. Why is that not an adequate basis for acceptance?

Sorry, Doug, with your ridiculous idea and your rejection to use
deterministic methods, the harm would be MUCH GREATER across the board, by
passing the buck to the user.

Perhaps a draft is needed before the alternative approach can be appreciated. Being able to recognize a prior correspondent has nothing to do with the DMA. :-(

Do you think that a worm will not adapt and avoid "deterministic" constraints?

As a child, you may have enjoyed the game of tic-tac-toe. Once you better understood the game, you simply decide not to play. When an opponent also knows the game, you become aware there is no point.


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