On 03/16/2006 00:35, Dave Crocker wrote:
> > This database that you insist is necessary for DKIM to be useful is
> > pretty well by definition a reputation system.  So, if as you say a DKIM
> > signature has no value without a reputation system of some limited kind
> > and reputation is out of bounds, I guess I don't understand what you
> > think we are doing here?
> creating an infrastructure.
Unless one is in the business of selling infrastructure I don't know that it 
has any vlaue in it's own right.

> (well, dkim also creates a bit of accountability, by my own view is that it
> does not mean much without an assessment component, too.  but as John
> Levine noted, it can be a small, internal table of well-known
> correspondents.)
OK, so absent a reputation system it creates a bit of accountability then?

> if you think dkim has larger value, on its own, please explain.

In the long run, I don't know.  In the short run, as I've said before, I think 
the primary value is in highly phished domains using a restrictive SSP.  That 
gives me leverage to reject 'bad' messages.  We've discussed this before, so 
there's no need for yet another round of pointless fingerpointing on the 
value of SSP.

I was just curious since you seemed to have a very limited view of the value 
of DKIM without reputation.  

BTW, I'm about to drop off line for a while, so don't read anything into lack 
of responses for a bit.  If it's still relevant when I get back, I'll reply 

Scott K
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