> get people to change their shorter keys. Or Mark's suggestion
> may be better. Do we have any data on deployed key sizes?

Unfortunately we don't and getting it is non-trivial as it involves
deploying s/w. Maybe someone else does. I expect 512 to be rare, but
768 might be common.

I will note that it actually takes work to check the key size, so it's
an artificial constraint that may or may not be implemented very
well. (As an implementor I hold the belief that all artificial
constraints eventually bit-rot to zero).

Further, that sort of constraint is algorithm dependent. So the true
test is: if (rsa && keySize < limit)). A new algorithm may well have
completely different size limits or different safety dimensions to

Is there experience in similar fields to the success or otherwise of
imposing minimum safety limits? S/MIME, PGP, SSL?

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