On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Arvel Hathcock wrote:

I believe this mailing list sends the same message (including the same
header fields) to everyone,

I don't understand because my copy has "TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the headers. Why would the list send a message to you with my address in the TO: header? Doesn't your TO: header have your address in it?

Sorry, I'm missing something fundamental here I suspect.

Different mail lists operate in different ways. Some will have "To" set
to mail list even after mail list processing, otherwise do it so that
each recipient email address is put in "To:" and mail list address is
in CC or Reply-To. Unlike what some here claimed, most mail lists now
(at least true mail lists that use special software and not just
forwarders set with multiple recipient and static configuration) do add unique per-recipient header fields including To and as Hector noted there is a trend towards even greater personalization including in email body (but this is still very rare and I don't think it'll catch up as its not useful for majority of mail list activity).

So to summarize for majority of true mail lists it is in fact true
that mail content body is the same and header is different and as
such mail lists would save on processing if hash of email content
body is available and can be reused.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

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