Stephen Farrell wrote:

Barry Leiba wrote:

Dave brought up, at the Monday DKIM IETF session, the idea of splitting
out the key-discovery parts from the base document.  I've recently come
up with a need to have the canonicalization be separately referenced.
I'm throwing this out to the mailing list for discussion:

Good idea to resolve this now.

The only thing I'd add is to ask folks to also bear in mind
our charter [1] deadlines when suggesting new document
structures. The next milestone should be WG last call on
base in May, so if your suggestion is likely to cause that
date to slip, I guess it'd be good to include a justification
for that.

A split is guaranteed to cause that date to slip, fullstop.

As I've said, from a developer's standpoint, multiple documents
suck.  But here's what I don't understand: if we split the documents,
we will have to submit all of the former parts of -base as a bundle
since they will necessarily have cross normative references.  And
even if we could, a -base document that doesn't define, say, the
query mechanism and/or the contents of the RR would be completely
pointless -- and an invitation for people just winging it.

Please let's not go here.

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