Paul Hoffman wrote:
The focus on transit-related validation -- as distinctly different from open-ended, long-term validation, has been fundamental for the entire life of this effort.

Then that should be stated in the document, not just in the lore of the WG.

Yes it should.

Further, nothing in the discussions of MUAs doing validation seem to talk about the obvious case that an MUA might do first validation long after "transit".

Yeah.  The discussion has raised an interest point about this, IMO.

Further, section 6.4 makes no sense and has to be eliminated or seriously re-written. You can't put a header in a message for a fact that will become untrue in the future.

The header simply says that the
message was validated. Not that it can be validated at some point in the future.

There is a huge disconnect here. x= is *not* talking about the ability to validate at some point in the future; it talks about a message that is valid at one point becoming invalid at a later point.

It should talk about being able to conduct a validation within a window of time, and not being able to do it after the window closes. And treating the message as having no signature, absent the ability to do a validation and absent any other validation information (like an authentication header.)

This is not about a "contract signature" becoming invalid. It is more like a traffic light changing. Transit is ephemeral, so it should not be surprising that a mechanism related to transit is ephemeral.

The text in draft-kucherawy-sender-auth-header-03, which is a normative reference from dkim-base, gives the following semantics for the "pass" label:

I thought that it was (being) removed as a normative reference.

        sending domain publishes an authentication policy of some kind,
        and the message passed the authentication tests
Note the past tense used: "passed the authentication tests". In a normal environment, that is sufficient for a MUA to give a sensible notice. But in an environment where a message can be valid at one moment and invalid at the next, that is not sufficient to tell the MUA what to display at any particular time.

Is this clearer?

"passed the authentication tests" is an accurate description of what took place. "Message valid at one moment and not at the next" is not.

Further, section 6.5 will have to be re-written as well to say that when passing the signature validation information to higher-level processes, they will need to come with the time after which the signature is no longer valid.

huh?  why?

So that the higher level process can determine when the signature on the message is no longer valid. Think of it this way: Two people look at a check. One says to you "this check written out to you is for $100", and the other person says "this check written out to you is for $100, but it is no longer valid after tomorrow".

A DKIM signature says that someone asserts that they are accountable for message transit. You are confusing limitations in the ability to perform a validation check, with the continuation of the assertion's validity.

If you go through an intersection when the light is green (for your direction) it was valid for you to proceed. The light changes. The validity of your having transited the intersection does not.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
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