Bill Oxley 
Messaging Engineer 
Cox Communications, Inc. 
Alpharetta GA 

Number 1 below is partially true. I can send mail that appears to be
from someone else that cannot be tracked back to the actual originating
IP but appears to be from elsewhere, this is what I hope DKIM can solve.

There are two potential meanings of "reputation" here.

1. The "plain English" one of "you look bad". As I noted previously,
   your reputation is already on the line when you forward e-mail,
   since people can manually verify that you sent it. This is 
   how black-hole lists work. DKIM doesn't add this feature.
2. The technical sense of "reputation services", but as I mentioned
   earlier, this is out of scope for DKIM, and of course it's
   not plain English...


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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