All of these in Doug's latest note seem like reasonable changes. Only one thing:

The RFC2822 FWS ABNF definition carries some cruft.

obs-FWS         =       1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP)    ; obsolete RFC822 text
FWS             =       ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) / obs-FWS

Is there a reason to permit multiple CRLFs? To obsolete support, the definition should be removed after 5 years of being declared obsolete.

FWS should be redefined as Revised FWS such as:

R-FWS        =    ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP)    ; revised

I'd rather leave the FWS definition in RFC2822, rather than putting in our own. Is there a way to say something that means "FWS from RFC2822, but NOT obs-FWS"?


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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