John Levine wrote:
>> I've heard a number of different groups say that they plan to make semantic
>> distinction based on selector.  For example, they intend to send transaction
>> mail under one selector and marketing mail under another.  Their intent is to
>> have reputation services distinguish between one domain+selector and another.
> If you're thinking about the DAC stuff at, our
> current spec is for certification, not reputation.  

1. I was focused on use of selectors for semantic purposes and was not trying to
refer to any particular semantics.

2. I used the term "reputation" because it has the widest use.

3. If you can show me industry-wide consensus on the definitions of terms such
as reputation, certification, and accreditation I will be extremely interested
to see it.  My own observation is that it does not exist.  So while you have
your precise usages, other people have theirs, and they are different.  Each use
of precise terminology might indeed be highly careful and make quite a bit of
sense, but the most important issue is that they are different from each other.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
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