Dave Crocker:
> To explore this approach a bit further, I'm going to wonder about the supposed
> need for an SSP check when a signature is present.
>      If a signature uses a domain related to the author's domain, then we have
> no SSP issue.  The author's domain is used for assessment.  No SSP query need 
> be
> made.

[Plus a straightforward DNS-based delegation mechanism so that the
author's ISP can use a UNIQUE signing domain that relates directly
to the author's domain]

>      If a signature is not present, THEN an SSP "I sign everything" record 
> might
> be useful (modulo the problem of surviving mailing list.)
>      If a signature is present, but is not associated with the author's 
> domain,
> then make the assessment based on the signing domain, not the author's domain.
> Again, no SSP query is needed.
> OK.  Start shooting...

I like this. This is very close to what I want: signed mail that
speaks for itself, whether it's first-party or third-party signed.
No batteries required.

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