On Saturday 09 September 2006 14:10, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Scott Kitterman:
> > > Blindly believing DKIM-SSP gives a false sense of security, and
> > > provides criminals with even more convincing ways to rob people.
> > > I really recommend that you read my entire email message.
> >
> > If you had said that Blindly believing [positive indications from]
> > DKIM-SSP ... then I would agree 100%.  I do not think that SSP can help
> > assert anything about the goodness of a message.  I think it's only
> > utility is in finding some that are definitely bad.
> Criminals switch strategy, and use look-alike domains to make their
> mail look even more authentic than it does today.
I agree they will switch strategies when one stops working.

I also agree that they will continue to evolve the content to make them look 
more authentic than they do today.

It seems to me you may be saying that a look-alike domain can be made to look 
more authentic than the actual domain.  Is that right?  If so, I'd like to 
understand that.

> If this is how SSP stops phishing mail, we have achieved nothing.
I wouldn't call it nothing, but I guess that's a matter of opinion.  I don't 
know what else it could accomplish.

I would call forcing phishers to switch from exact domains to look-alikes 

Scott K
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